Here are some recent projects we've built or contributed to:

Icon for Persona app, purple, person in sitting meditative pose with half moon above head

Persona ©

A mindfulness, self-growth app (original concept) (released this year)

An interactive webapp where users can take a quiz to get their Persona (a detailed self-profile), using our proprietary analysis techniques and algorithm.  Once users have been introduced to their Persona, they can:

We are building this application with: full-stack web development, Javascript scripting, advanced OO programming, and an AI / LLM pipeline to provide conversational chatbot functionality.

Image of Persona blog feature
Image of Persona journaling feature
Image of Persona quiz feature


A vegan AI assistant, with immense research library (founded by VegCatalyst, collaboration) (Sign up for a free trial!) - CEO, Sam Tucker

A dedicated vegan AI, offering 24/7 access to unlimited personalised responses and 50,000+ vegan resources (including scientific research / journals, organised and readily searchable). VEG3 provides support for users at every step of their vegan journey:

Image showing home page of VEG3 site, lots of text on screen
Image of multicolored (pink, purple, blue) brain graphic illustration, words and numbers are behind, faded

American Speech Classifier

A custom-built classification model for academic journals (in collaboration with University of Arizona)

We built this classification model to:

We built this application with Python scripting and training a custom machine-learning model for classification of text documents.

We can build it.

Even if your idea seems different from the few projects we've selected to share above, we would love to discuss it with you.

We are prepared to guide you through the full development cycle or assist you wherever you are in the process:

Fill out this intake form ("contact us") and book a free consultation - we're excited to help!